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I'd like to dedicate this very page to fairy and sunny Native land of Albena and Maxim - to Bulgaria!!!
I hope, that not only true fans, but all the curious visitors of our site would be interest to know something new about this wonderful country.
Situated in Southeastern Europe, in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, this land is one of the most unique places of our Planet. And in spite of the fact that it's not very big and covers an area of 110 000 square km and its population numbers about 8, 3 million, Bulgaria may be called with proud as a treasury, pantry of the nature! Soft climat, astonishing variety of flora and fauna, fairy landscapes, dizzy falls, mystical grottos and caves, mysterious lakes, majestic mountainous gorges, picturesque plains, among them Rose plain, stretching for many kilometres not far from Kazanlic.

National Anthem.

National Anthem.. MIDI.
National Anthem.. MP3.
National Athem, lyrics ( he-he, guysm learn :)))

You can also find:

The map of Bulgaria.
Different views.

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